Man deals with the classic signs of addiction among men

Addiction Among Men

Substance abuse affects men differently than it does women. In fact, gender can predispose you to respond to drugs or alcohol in a certain way. Therapists at a men’s addiction rehab program frequently work with clients who thought they had everything under control. However, working with addiction among men proves to therapists that this is…


Mens Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, more than 100,000 people die every year from alcohol abuse. Although both men and women suffer from alcohol abuse, men are four times more likely to be heavy drinkers and two times more likely to be alcoholics. In addition, there are conditions of alcoholism that…

man got help from rehab programs for men

Rehab Programs for Men

Drugs and alcohol cause your brain to release a pleasurable, overwhelming and powerful rush of neurotransmitters. Once you have a positive experience with drugs or alcohol, your brain’s pleasure and reward center start to change. As addiction progresses, it becomes difficult to recover without attending inpatient or patient rehab programs for men. A men’s addiction…